
1 solution for infusion for cattle, horses, dogs and cats

1 solution for infusion for cattle, horses, dogs and cats

11 (Hartmann’s) solution for infusion for cattle, horses, dogs and cats

11 (Hartmann’s) solution for infusion for cattle, horses, dogs and cats

11 (Hartmann’s) solution for infusion for cattle, horses, dogs and cats
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration and metabolic acidosis in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. It may be used to correct volume depletion (hypovolaemia) resulting from gastrointestinal disease or shock.
Active(s): Sodium lactate 0.317% w/v, sodium chloride 0.600% w/v, potassium chloride 0.040% w/v, calcium chloride dihydrate 0.027% w/v
Pack size(s): 2x5L, 4x3L, 10x1L, 20x250ml, 20x500ml
Withdrawal period: Cattle and Horses Meat and offal: zero days Milk: zero hours
Documents: SPC get_app

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